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- When a tank is empty, two sensor S1 and S2 turn ON. Starting a motor M1 and a solenoid valve SV1. When the water level reaches above S1 it turns OFF, but motor to remains ON. When the water level reaches above S2, it turns OFF, switching OFF M1 and SV1. Devise logic to in such a way that even the water level comes down S2, motor should not start. M1 start only when water level reaches below S1.
- In the above example add outlet valve SV2 which turn ON when motor turns OFF.
- When M2 switched on M3 also turn on. But when M1 switched off, both M2 and M3 also turns off.
- Two switches are required to off the lamp.
- Two smoke detectors are place on factory floor alarm. Device logic to switch ON the alarm if any one of the smoke detectors ON
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